“When technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful, even magical”. Motorola, Samsung, LG, HTC and all the others hardware pr
Doesn’t it taste like Matrix to you? The editing of the matrix was creating duplicates…? Anybody?
Kontra’s Counternotions strike against “legal cloning”. He must be pissed off by previous post’s comments…
Peter Vesterbacka (“Angry Birds” developer) Paid content just doesn’t work on Android. This is no news for most of us, of course. But just add Kontra’s insight about 2011 cheap Android’s expansion: So the Android crusaders will be circling us in 2011, swinging their $85 smartswords to
TIPb on iPhone usability “My 2 year old godson can use iPhone well. He can turn it on. He can find and launch his apps. He can play his games and read along with Dr. Seuss and Disney. About all my 2 year old can do with my Android 2.
I was watching the web yesterday crunching Samsung Tab and I thought it’s good to remember several things regarding reviews and first impressions: First and most important – all evolved OS devices are behaving increasingly worse in time. Mainly because of user intervention and second because of lots of apps
Stefan Constantinescu ranted beautifully against Nokia demo movies made entirely, pixel by pixel on a computer. During my 1.5 years at Nokia I saw many of these concept videos shown. They’re made by pixel pushers as a goal, an ideal, of what the company wants to achieve. The
http://androidandme.com/2010/06/news/norton-releases-smartphone-security-beta-app-for-android/ “Norton Smartphone Security provides Android users the ability to remotely lock and wipe their device in the event their phone is stolen, Norton-strength protection against malware, and the ability to screen calls from unwanted callers.” Symantec found a new business! Maybe they’ll
http://androidandme.com/2010/06/news/norton-releases-smartphone-security-beta-app-for-android/ “Norton Smartphone Security provides Android users the ability to remotely lock and wipe their device in the event their phone is stolen, Norton-strength protection against malware, and the ability to screen calls from unwanted callers.” Symantec found a new business! Maybe they’ll
Cateva cuvinte despre portalul de aplicatii al Google Android: – cateva mii de aplicatii deja – pe zi apar peste 100 de aplicatii noi si update-uri In Romania nu veti gasi inca aplicatii platite, ci doar pe cele gratiuite. Majoritatea dezvoltatorilor insa lasa versiunile trial in regim “gold” in zonele in care
Cateva cuvinte despre portalul de aplicatii al Google Android: – cateva mii de aplicatii deja – pe zi apar peste 100 de aplicatii noi si update-uri In Romania nu veti gasi inca aplicatii platite, ci doar pe cele gratiuite. Majoritatea dezvoltatorilor insa lasa versiunile trial in regim “gold” in zonele in care
Dupa cum ati observat, Google nu permite transmiterea fisierelor prin bluetooth, indiferent de tipul lor. Motivul este ca pachetul de securizare a sistemului nu e inca gata (august 2009), iar BT este una din cele mai comune cai de intrare a unor aplicatii sau fisiere sistem care sa destabilizeze platforma;