SIP on N900 Maemo 5 issue

I’ve tried today a SIP call over Wi-Fi (8 Mbps dl to San Francisco
bandwidth) and we could not understand each other. The sound was noisy and a lot of data was lost both ends. I’ve tried calling for couple of times, using the same config: auto all, port 5060, autodetect stun server, SIP client: Vyke.

Well, everyboy knows Vyke is an almost “dedicated” Nokia SIP client; I have never encountered issues while using any Nokia phone model, from E50 to N97 with Vyke, either over 3G or Wi-Fi . But for now, with N900.

First sign of trouble was the echoed ringback tone; second, I’ve heard the callee like being in a huge cave, no tweets at all, only bass. Third: the lag. My God, the LAG!
So I have concluded there must be either a codec issue or a software problem.

I was VERY happy seing all SIP stacks and VOIP protocols built into my new N900. I have also tried GTalk voice, which was absolutely fine and reliable, but this is my first using SIP to landline and SIP to mobile and I’m not happy at all.

I’d say this attempt has just cost me some 6 euros, being forced to call my mobile british friend via my operator.

Stay tuned to see what’s happening while using Skype client over N900.

P.S.: I am still very pleased with my N900 and hardly waiting for the new firmware release.