What if Apple uses OSX while the display is standing and iOS while it’s horizontal ?! What do you say, would that be catchy?
What if Apple uses OSX while the display is standing and iOS while it’s horizontal ?! What do you say, would that be catchy?
NPD: Early iPad adopters more satisfied, active than recent buyers “The NPD Group revealed this week that customers who bought an iPad at launch are extremely satisfied with the device and use it quite often, but more recent purchasers are less active with their tablet.” Isn’t it the same
“Aqua Globs HD” has a reported 50% piracy rate in OpenFeint logins TUAW says: “Still, the app in question is $1.99 — that’s hardly breaking the bank. It’s disappointing to see that even with all of the authentication and verification built in to a platform like the App
Prin cupoane valorice (“gift cards”) emise in US. Detalii aici. Un exemplu de site care vinde in toata lumea vouchere iTunes americane este PC Game SUpply. Plata se face prin cardul de debit Visa sau Mastercard sau prin contul PayPal. Selectarea tarii (Romania) nu afecteaza tipul de bon valoric iTunes,
How good is Google in handling stress?! Well, the second sign has been revealed: Google permitted the removal of Oracle related results in Google search. This is, willingly or not, an extremely dangerous proof of concept: Google can raise or ruin any imperium it wills, all by itself and based
Orange Romania a inceput sa faca aplicatii pentru AppStore cu “Orange Film”. Aplicatia e un “nice to have”, iar pentru fanii inraiti ai serviciului e un “must have”. In mod normal, clientii Orange care merg la film prin Orange Film stiu la ce film vor sa mearga, apoi cauta in
The other day Stephen Hawking was saying the only way for humanity to avoid total destruction is to learn how to expand outside Earth. It’s funny how the entire online press took this as a morbid pessimism; it’s like a kid who’s parents warn him not to
I’m back from a weekend visit at the countryside with my folks and friends. The only reliable Internet source there was mobile connection; the bad news is my operator offers only crappy EDGE in that region. I’ve just discovered some minutes ago, coming back home (full 1 Gbps
My Oceanus macro; the picture is taken using an iPhone 4, under close to ideal light
iPhone search hints: “is… Lady gaga a man”…
That’s going to happen if two calendars in alternate sync #iPhone
TUAW’s 5 FaceTime benefits Very nice and useful article. One interesting point in comments: FaceTime can also be voice only: “kem said 8:28PM on 8-06-2010 A lot of people are not aware of the fact that FaceTime also works without video. You don’t have to stop the