Again, All Phone Tracker is the first app in Entertainment for Romania AppStore, although it ain’t got more than 1 (one) star rates. What’s wrong with the scoring, guys?!
Again, All Phone Tracker is the first app in Entertainment for Romania AppStore, although it ain’t got more than 1 (one) star rates. What’s wrong with the scoring, guys?!
Alistair Croll (@acroll) 10/20/10 0:51 Enterprises: when it comes to clouds, the genie is out of the bottle. Stop looking for a cork, and start deciding what to wish for. #ECS
Why Britain is in deep doo-doo – very interesting comment AnandaY “What we are seing now is the case of corporate Britain and USA paying the price of its greed. How so? Well, during the last 10 years, did a single day go buy without news about company A moving production
All Phone Tracker GPS seems to be a bad joke
Check out this video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5yj-Rt9BY0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
In bureaucracies many people have the authority to say no, not the authority to say yes. John Sculley On Steve Jobs, The Full Interview Transcript | Cult of Mac (via Instapaper)
John Sculley On Steve Jobs, The Full Interview Transcript | Cult of Mac User experience seems to be and has been Jobs main concern, from one end to another. (via Instapaper)
(Telecompaper) Deutsche Telekom has signed an agreement to make Google the standard search provider for the web’n’walk mobile internet portal. The agreement covers all Telekom markets across Europe… Google is moving towards operators with integrated search and ads. This is not the first big telco signing such a