Nokia N900 proto is missing in London

Last week I’ve visited Nokia flagship store in London (yeah, that one, with Apple Store across the street…).

Nokia Store

(courtesy to

The obvious main reason: N900 prototype. But N900 wasn’t present anymore!

Nokia sales guys said first they have never seen it in their store, so I’ve asked them if I reached the proper store. “Yes, this is the main Nokia Store in London and actually N900 is no longer present in our store. It has been withdrawn for firmware issues. You’ll have to wait until November (!) to see it”.

“Well, I said, maybe at least Nokia 3G Booklet should be available for testing over here?!”

“No Sir, we’ve never seen that one either!” they said…

On the other hand, at the hour I’m writing this, here is Nokia Conversations saying N900 will be seen next week in London, with OneDotZero project. I guess the firmware issues will be solved quick!

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