Nokia N900 delayed till January 2010

This one has just come from (thanks to

Katshing, a big Swedish online shop, has just announced Nokia N900 is to be delayed till January 2010!!! Below you may find the shop letter to their customers who have pre ordered the device:

Google translated version:

“You have pre-booked a Nokia N900 with us at Katshing. Unfortunately, we have now learned that the N900 will not come to the Swedish market in 2009. Guess it will at the end of January 2010, but there is nothing that is confirmed


On the other hand, there are numerous signals in saying many of the US pre orders have been canceled:

“So there was a technical difficulty with the n900 orders and mine was included. My order was canceled and had to reorder. I no longer get the bluetooth or the extended warranty but was given a 15% discount.
I did ask if the release date is still mid novemebr and he said that they have new information that it will be released next week. I’m not getting excited because I have heard to many dates so im just going to wait and see.”

As far I can see, Nokia failed this launch in a big way.