iPhone 3GS vs Nokia N97 or "lowest price ", "Free iPhone", "48 years contract"!

For all those “marketing specialists” out there saying Apple sold 5.2 mil iPhones 3GS in Q2 because of price strategy,

For all those Americans who never bought a SIM free phone because they never knew such a thing exists,

For all those telecoms that made billions selling crippled phones with retarded firmwares which never update,

For all those “premium” journalists who always ask “how much?” and never “under what conditions?”

For all those hackers who spent their lives jail-breaking a dumb shit,

And, finally, for the rest of us who think straightforward ,



Noki N97

You may have heard iPhone 3GS is actually cheap, some 400 bucks, and your sorry ass can afford it?

But have you ever thought how much you’re actually paying for your slavery to your beloved telecom? No money can buy!

Stay dumb! Choose nice pictures!