Daring Fireball - "4" review

An exquisite iPhone 4 review , called “4”, by John Gruber. Here are some excerpts:

The buttons (just imagine what Apple managed to bring to market if the touch and feel of a single button gets that much of attention):

“The iPhone 4’s buttons are improved all around. The Home button restores the clickiness of the original iPhone’s. The new volume buttons, silence toggle, and power button all have a better feel than ever before. Apple is so good at making buttons, it’s almost enough to make one wish they made button-laden devices.

The speed:

“The iPhone 4 is definitely faster than the 3GS, but it doesn’t feel to me as though the difference is as noticeable as last year’s leap from the 3G to 3GS.”

The Retina Display:

“The iPhone 4, however, offers type rendering that is legitimately print quality”