Multiple shots Android HTC Magic
Pixelpipe, client dedicat de Android, seamana cu ideea initiala a Nokia de Life Blog
Android Pixelpipe
Android - impresii
Bateria e slabuta, modemul e permanent online pentru ca toate serviciile de socializare sunt push. E extraordinar feed back-ul in interfata: aproape tot ce se intampla in background are o manifestare grafica, sonora sau tactila in interfata activa, de unde printr-un singur click sau swap aduci evenimentul “in fata”. E
Android - impresii
Bateria e slabuta, modemul e permanent online pentru ca toate serviciile de socializare sunt push. E extraordinar feed back-ul in interfata: aproape tot ce se intampla in background are o manifestare grafica, sonora sau tactila in interfata activa, de unde printr-un singur click sau swap aduci evenimentul “in fata”. E
Google Android pe HTC Magic in teste
Azi am primit pentru teste un Android. Partea HW e supla si comoda, iar partea de SW m-a lasat mut. Sunt inca la capitolul explorare aplicatii din portalul Google Market si sunt cu respiratia taiata: sute de aplicatii adevarate, ssh-uri, vpn, vnc, mail exchange, office, integratori de messenger, edirori de
Google Android pe HTC Magic in teste
Azi am primit pentru teste un Android. Partea HW e supla si comoda, iar partea de SW m-a lasat mut. Sunt inca la capitolul explorare aplicatii din portalul Google Market si sunt cu respiratia taiata: sute de aplicatii adevarate, ssh-uri, vpn, vnc, mail exchange, office, integratori de messenger, edirori de
Symbian touch GUI is open to suggestions starting 16th of July...
Some days ago , Scott Weiss, UI Technology Manager at Symbian Foundation started an idea. An idea of an open blog for suggestions regarding Symbian touch interface – Symbian UI Brainstorm. The blog started from Gimp UI Brainstorm creative concept and is meant to listen and show what and how is better
Symbian touch GUI is open to suggestions starting 16th of July...
Some days ago , Scott Weiss, UI Technology Manager at Symbian Foundation started an idea. An idea of an open blog for suggestions regarding Symbian touch interface – Symbian UI Brainstorm. The blog started from Gimp UI Brainstorm creative concept and is meant to listen and show what and how is better
iPhone 3GS vs Nokia N97 or "lowest price ", "Free iPhone", "48 years contract"!
For all those “marketing specialists” out there saying Apple sold 5.2 mil iPhones 3GS in Q2 because of price strategy, For all those Americans who never bought a SIM free phone because they never knew such a thing exists, For all those telecoms that made billions selling crippled phones