What's missing from Google app for iPhone
Low friction. Lest it’s meant to be easy to use, reaching the button it’s a pain in the ass. Take a look and figure out it’s not a bad idea in its concept.
Low friction. Lest it’s meant to be easy to use, reaching the button it’s a pain in the ass. Take a look and figure out it’s not a bad idea in its concept.
Verbs, now in the App Store http://smokingapples.com/asides/verbs/ So Verbs is out! Go grab it! (
Verbs – a bit under expectations. Of course this is a beautiful app, but it lacks the minimum functionality. You can say it’s just a GTalk client for now, which is not enough. No video share, no notification, no VOIP. Just multiple GTalk accounts. Keep up the hard work, guys!
Daring Fireball: “One big difference between Europe and the U.S.: the iPhone is available on multiple carriers throughout Europe. (Via Alex Vega.)” Yes, since tomorrow! Till tomorrows Apple uses the same method as in US: unique national operator.
WinteRO (Taken with instagram)
This is a “shot” from Dribbbler, showing off a (PS3) game’s icon extreme design. One of the comments to this shot reads: Allison House “This is beautiful. I want to play that game so badly…” I would say this is the secret answer to the secret question “How is
A reply to Susan Orlean’s: horses didn’t get extinct I have just bought The Oxford English Dictionary for 1.99$. I did it out of guilt: 5 years ago the hardcover thing was 120$.
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European telcos ask for money from Google and Apple Gruber says no way. Me thinks problem… Imagine content filtering, selective FOTAs, default phone features transformed into premium, VOIP or P2P extra-charging and God knows what many other “initiatives” brought against “magical user experience”… Me thinks that’s clearly not the
For 2011, iPad 2 will have backlit LCD, Nexus S will also sport super clear LCD. I guess Samsung won’t have a business case with only one manufacturer using AMOLED: themselves.
Susan Orlean’s argument for ebooks Hard copy books won’t disappear because of the ebooks, they’re like horses: “Horses lost out to cars, but obviously they didn’t die out as a species” This isn’t the real problem. What’s troubling everybody is a major industry change,
“Free Downloads on Ovi rise fast, now I get over 42K/day, but sales are falling, I’m earning less than half of last months. Not happy at all. web • 12/7/10 12:31” “I fear all this will lead, in some time, to the end of my business.