AI-generated child sex abuse images targeted with new laws in UK


Four new laws will tackle the threat of child sexual abuse images generated by artificial intelligence (AI), the government has announced.

The Home Office says the UK will be the first country in the world to make it illegal to possess, create or distribute AI tools designed to create child sexual abuse material (CSAM), with a punishment of up to five years in prison.

The government should ban “nudify” apps and tackle the “normalisation of sexual activity with young-looking girls on the mainstream porn sites”, she said, describing these videos as “simulated child sexual abuse videos”.


I would (marginally) play the devil’s advocate here: if no child has been harmed, doesn’t criminalizing CSAM child AI porn look like a bit of preemptive action, something similar to Minority Report?

If so, isn’t the UK law punishing the not-yet-guilty people? What happens to the justice principle “not guilty until proven”?