About Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook

Barnes & Noble cut Nook 3G price by 20%, to 199 USD,


Amazon cut Kindle 3G price by 20%, to 189 USD.

I don’t like talking cost of production, as all media started before iPad launch; but, on the other hand, I also hate inconsistent price policies!

What on earth, are early customers of both Amazon and B & N going to feel about this artificial price dropping? As a customer, I agree to price slashing in time, while a product gets old and its next generation is about to be launched, but I’d feel betrayed if for no reason the product I’ve bought becomes 20% cheaper over night.

I also agree with competition being a strong price argument, as far as the argument is used before launch date!

But, man, you’ve got to think a bit about your customers! They might not churn (as in service like area) and might not say a single word against you; but you’ll loose all the credit you didn’t have yet!